ArtRolinka Gallery & Giftshop 


My  flowerpaintings often have a sculptural character. They are built up in many layers..some of them started out as a so-called Balloon-pour:

This is a pouring out of acrylic paint, after this a balloon is pushed into the paint to make the paint look like the inside of a flower. just one of the techniques I use to create an interesting effect...but als clay, silk and carton is used.., for example. I always keep experimenting, what will give the  best effect on the canvas..After installing flowers of silk like this and finishing the first layers, I move on to use the best oilpaints availble to make a nice finish that can stand the face of time...Come and enjoy them as you are in the neighbourhood of my gallery and see the interesting textures this layering proces give to the final painting!




 In my old atelier, working on a flowerpainting with a balloonpouring as a base:..